Your security is our top priority
Your personal data always has the highest priority at Alwy. All data is encrypted and your personal information is handled in accordance with GDPR.
Your security is our top priority
Your personal data always has the highest priority at Alwy. All data is encrypted and your personal information is handled in accordance with GDPR.
We are supervised by the Financial Supervisory Authority
Alwy is supervised by the Financial Supervisory Authority, which means that our operations are continuously monitored and audited to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
All data is encrypted and handled in accordance with GDPR
All data is encrypted using AES-256 and your data is handled in accordance with GDPR. If you want to read more about the data we collect and why, you can do so in our Privacy Policy.
Deposit Guarantee & Investor Protection
Your savings with Alwy are covered by deposit guarantee and investor protection through our partner Evida. You have the same protection and rights as when you save with a bank or an online broker.