
Alwy compiles automatically.

Alwy helps you compile your entire finances in one place so you get a complete overview.

Alwy overview mockup desktop
Alwy overview mockup mobile
Alwy girl making an online payment with a credit card


Income & expenses. Alwy categorizes.

Alwy automatically categorizes all your income and expenses so you have full control over where your money goes.

All transactions are categorized

See all recurring costs

Insights to help you spend smarter

Alwy boy playing with VR


Create a budget. Alwy follows up.

Maintaining a budget can take a lot of time. With Alwy, you get a budget that updates automatically so you have more time for other things.

Alwy keeps track for you

Simple and clear overview

Your budget updates automatically

Yellow house


Phone showing the loans section of application


Debts and credits. Alwy helps.

Alwy imports your interest rates and loans so you get a complete overview of your debts. You can also compare your interest rates.

See all your loans in one place

Get insights on your debt ratio


Compare & apply for loans with better terms

Girl in purple clothes
Phone showing boosts section of application

Saving Tips

Alwy analyzes. You save.

Alwy creates personalized saving tips to help you save money. Alwy's saving tips are concrete suggestions that show you what you can improve in your finances.

Save money with saving tips

Concrete saving tips for you

Take advantage of unique offers

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